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Postcolonial Formalism in Context

Organizer: Arthur Rose

This seminar asks how we might integrate context as a formal category of postcolonial literature. We invite submissions that theorize and/or practice modes of criticism that read postcolonial culture... more

Beyond the Capitals of Decadence

Organizer: Florian Zappe

Beyond the Capitals of Decadence Since antiquity, the elusive concept of ‘decadence’—regardless whether defined as a socio-cultural phenomenon, an artistic movement, or as an aesthetic programme—has... more

The Person in Law & Culture

Organizer: Jeannine DeLombard

The person is one of Western culture’s most enduring legal and literary forms. According to the origin story recounted by everyone from Thomas Hobbes to Hannah Arendt to Roberto Esposito, the Latin... more

World Literature and Disappearance

Organizer: Joseph Wager

Enforced disappearance has become a lingua franca of transitional-justice processes around the world. Reflecting the experiences of Latin American dictatorships, this crime is defined by arbitrary... more

Cultures of Energy Transition

Organizer: Martin Premoli

“Energy transition isn’t a choice. It’s not a matter of whether we transition or not — there’s no ‘if’ involved. We will have to transition. The question is whether we are able to successfully do so... more

Photographic Practices of Repair

Organizer: Candela Marini

Photography's complicity in the destruction of diverse worlds has become a central concern for scholars, artists, and activists engaged in the dismantling of imperial ways of thinking, while also... more

Public *Environmental* Humanities

Organizer: Yanoula Athanassakis

Public *Environmental* Humanities  This seminar invites proposals on public scholarship and engagement originating from – or related to – the environmental humanities. The desire to be in... more

Arabic Literature, or The Ancient in the Modern

Organizer: Kevin Blankinship

“It would appear,” wrote Syrian poet Adunis in his Introduction to Arab Poetics, “that the return to the ancient has been more eagerly pursued whenever the internal conflict has intensified, or the... more

Picturing Violence in the Age of Annihilation

Organizer: Elizabeth Liendo

Violence—and the challenge it presents to representation—is a black hole at the heart of narrative. Textual, film, news media, and artistic narratives all must confront the question of how to... more

What Is This “Black” in Global Black Literatures?

Organizer: Raquel Kennon

Following Stuart Hall’s provocation in his classic 1992 essay, “What is this ‘Black’ in Black Popular Culture?,” this panel begins with its own “conjectural” moment as it seeks to explore “Global... more

Oceanic Humanities

Organizer: Sarah Senk

As traditional disciplines face questions of relevance and survival in an increasingly STEM-dominated academic landscape, Oceanic Humanities offers a new framework for understanding human experience... more

Alternatives to Narrative

Organizer: Nina Farizova

There is a growing awareness among Anglophone humanists that narrative as a meaning-making mode has been overemphasized. Having migrated from the study of the verbal arts into history, law, medicine... more

Politics and Desire in the Archive

Organizer: Mercedes Trigos

This seminar invites papers that consider the methodologies of archival work and their potential connections to scholars’ fantasies of meaning, coherence, completion, and relevance. Archival... more
