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Migration, Speech and Literary Form

Organizer: Andrew Koenig

This panel takes as its jumping off point the centrality of unconventional speech in modernism, and the ways that speech is informed by migration. What forms of articulation become available at the... more

Translation Futures

Organizer: Anandi Rao

Translators and interpreters in the digital age face manifold opportunities and challenges that are only compounded as Artificial Intelligence in the form of Large Language Models moves into the... more

Breath Poetics

Organizer: Mae Losasso

There is a long history across traditions linking rhythms of breath to poetic formation, inspiration, invocation, and voice. More recently, the term ‘breath poetics’ has come to refer to a particular... more

Literary Studies Beyond the Academy

Organizer: Simone Murray

Academic literary studies of the early 20th century began by emphatically dissociating itself from popular literary-cultural institutions: periodical book reviewing; mail-order book clubs; and the... more

More-Than-Human Poetics and Worlding

Organizer: Hsinmei Lin

Worlding, to make or build a world, remains a main objective in the practice of geocriticism, a method of literary analysis or theory that incorporates the study of geographical space. A... more

What is in Plain Sight?

Organizer: Miryam Segal

What keeps us from seeing something hiding in plain sight? Literary critics, like the hero of a detective story, need a puzzle to solve, a question to answer, an elision in the text, an impossible... more

Attending To: Regard and Care

Organizer: Victoria (Tia) Glista

To regard means to look, view, sense, or pay attention to something in a specific way. Its emergence from the French “garder” (to keep) underlines its active quality, as well as the incorporative... more

Don’t Stop Talking About Palestine

Organizer: Michiel Bot

People protesting the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians have been confronted with an enormous amount of censorship, ranging from the systematic murder of Palestinian journalists, university... more

Where are the New Sex Wars?

Organizer: Micol Bez

While the tensions within radical 1970-80 feminism(s) are often articulated in the belligerent vocabulary of the Sex Wars, post-#metoo feminism seems to fish in another —more liberal— conceptual pool... more

Caribbean Fiction and the Environment

Organizer: Carine Mardorossian

The environment in fiction is often discussed as a backdrop or "setting" that complements or reinforces characterization. This seminar will instead foreground this traditional background and explore... more

The Textuality of Contemporary (Body) Horror

Organizer: Noah Terrell

Despite its long and varied history, the infamous subgenre of body horror didn’t gain critical currency until the 1986 January/February volume of the journal Screen. Indeed, it was in this special... more
