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Labor in Global Speculative Fiction

Organizer: Samuel Ginsburg

In their construction of possible futures and alternate realities, science fiction and other forms of speculative literature have often provided a space to reflect on the cultural and technological... more

Anti-Fascist Worldmaking

Organizer: Jessy Bell

Umberto Eco’s now-famed essay “Ur-Fascism” (1995) outlines fourteen characteristics of what he calls “Eternal Fascism,” noting that fascistic ways of thinking and cultural mores pulse with or without... more

Hegel and World Literature

Organizer: Carson Welch

The specter of Hegel looms large over contemporary scholarship. Debunking overhasty dismissals of Hegelian thought as vulgar panlogism or reductive teleology, recent work has presented Hegel as a... more

Surplus Labour and World-Literature

Organizer: Josh Jewell

For Brazilian critic Antonio Candido, literature has the potential to grasp the peculiar “social dynamic” of a time and place (85). In other words, literary form has the ability to articulate social... more

Translation and Chinese/Sinophone/Sinitic Poetry

Organizer: Lucas Klein

China is, they say, a “nation of poetry.” Though poetry has been and remains important to the Chinese cultural identity, the statement can also be interrogated: what is “China”? what is a “nation”?... more

Sex Negativity II (We Have Never Had Sex)

Organizer: Marija Cetinic

Sex Negativity II (We Have Never Had Sex) Continuing from the 2023 Sex Negativity seminar in Chicago, this panel thinks through sex and negativity in relation to psychoanalytic theories of the... more

South Asian Blue Humanities

Organizer: Antara Chatterjee

The sea has always inspired the human imagination in the form of travel narratives, poetry, plays, songs, fiction, films and other media. However, only recently has the ocean has become a critical... more

The Feuilleton and Modern Jewish Cultures

Organizer: Marina Mayorski

Since the late eighteenth century, the feuilleton has been one of the most popular and most controversial forms of writing in newspapers throughout the world. First published in France, feuilletons... more

Modernism, Religion, and Empire

Organizer: Apala Das

Traditionally modernism has been thought of as a cluster of aesthetic movements emerging out of a declared crisis of faith. An expanded or ‘global’ modernist studies has been slow to reckon with the... more

Critical Perspectives on Collaborative Translation

Organizer: Abrona Lee Pandi Aden

Translation, as we know of today, is majorly understood as a solitary and lonely activity. Such an impression regarding the act of translation, brings into discussion the subjectivity of the... more

"Doing" Media Studies in the Global South

Organizer: Silpa Mukherjee

Over the past decade film and media studies have witnessed a substantial increase in published research into the production, circulation, and consumption of media in the Global South. Most often this... more
