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Sharing the World: Poetries Written by Women in the 21st Century

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Organizer: Esther Sánchez-Pardo

Co-Organizer: Becca Klaver

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Women’s poetries in the 21st century experiment, innovate, and engage fully with discourses around the accelerated pace of the present. Locally and contextually specific, they understand “sharing the world” (Irigaray, Haraway, Barad) as an act of human and more-than-human co-habitation. This seminar seeks to address women’s poetries in comparison and within a transnational and multilingual framework. Specifically, we are interested in how a comparative analysis of contemporary poetics by women is contributing to an ever-growing sense of connection and relationality in our diffuse and distracting present. Culturally, geographically, socially, and environmentally connected, women poets pulsate with the sensibility of our times, meditating upon language’s potential for world-building as only poets can do. Their work expresses wonder and protest, deconstructs identities and social habits, inquires philosophically into the many faces of reality, reclaims materiality, responds to neo-colonialism, constructs communities, and creatively imagines the world otherwise. The multifaceted nature of women’s poetries in the 21st century dawns upon us.
How can we, facing the panorama of women’s poetries at present, relationally and comparatively, read, appreciate, and assess their formal and thematic similarities, intertextual play, trends in the writing process, influences, local and global features, hybrid traits, diasporic legacies, and environmental and climatic concerns? Which are the most adequate forms of inquiry, the methodologies best fit to comment upon women’s poetries at present?  Performance poetry, eco-poetry, protest poetry, documentary poetry, collaborative poetry, conceptual and digital poetry: these are but a few of the wide range of women’s poetries we would like to address, in a transnational context, within this seminar.

Issues to consider might include:
—Women’s poetries travelling the world, South to North and East to West
—Poetics of attention &vs. distraction
—Feminist (po)ethics and methodologies of care
—Transnational genealogies in women’s poetries
—Geographies of affect
—Poetics of (dis)embodiment
—Gender and language in the Gurlesque, trans poetics, and beyond
—Diasporic imaginaries in women’s poetries
—Relationality (modes and models) in the writing of poetries
––Intersections of feminist and ecopoetics
—Feminist poetry and/as activism
—Challenges of relationality: identity and difference

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